Whats With All The Information???????

Image result for Person getting questionsSo, EDAD 602 is over, wow, I can't believe it. I think this is the toughest class I have ever had. Not because the work was hard. Actually, I am kind of a nerd when it comes to numbers. I would lose myself when I was looking at all of the numbers for my school. For instance, I loved the graduation rates and seeing where my school has come from and where it is going, hopefully going. Well, here is my journey.

The Teacher
Ean is great. It is rare that you see a teacher who actually lives what he teaches. I am not going to lie, I was behind in this class, way behind, no... like so behind, I really did not know if I was going to catch up. OKAY, I was going to quit.
He reached, out a hand and built me up. He was there to help me when I needed it and gave me some hope. (Okay, I will stop now)

The Applied Theory Paper
This paper was crazy. I don't think I did a very good job on this thing. Although I liked working on it, it's just a very big paper that takes a loooonnnngggg time to do. This is not one I would suggest you procrastinate on. It will get you. They say six to eight pages but this is not the truth. It is longer. Way longer.
We did get to make a sweet graphic. I probably took way too much time on it but I liked doing it. Isn't it pretty? It doesn't look like a lot but I think it took over three hours. Wheew, I'm glad it's over.
CP#1: School Growth Team
This was interesting. I had to get some of my already overworked colleagues to help me evaluate my school. That is what I thought anyway. To my surprise, I had five people volunteer, although one could never show up when I needed them to. That's okay though, I knew what I was getting myself into.
I should put pictures and bio's here but... I won't. 

CP#2: Needs Assessment
MY FIRST "D". Remember what I said about that guy above, well, I take it back. Just kidding. He helped me so much on this assignment. He also let me raise my grade. Which was awesome.

In this assignment, I decided to poll the people who did not volunteer to be on my growth team. What was I thinking? I decided to ask them how they think our school could be able to retain students. Not like hold back, but keep. We don't want students to move from our district. We don't care if they stay in the school district in the same grade...Okay, we do.

The teachers told me electives would keep the students at our school. So, I talked to the administration and hopefully, we can implement some of those electives and see if it keeps our students. Only time will tell.

CP#3: Data-Based Growth Plan
Yayyyy! More data. I don't think everyone felt this way. For this assignment, we got to take all of the numbers from an earlier assignment and come up with a plan for our school. Now, only if the school would use it.
Image result for data meme
I liked that the assignment asked us to come up with obstacles. I have been working for my district for over five years now. There are always obstacles, or people, who do not want anything to change or get better.

I think making videos made more sense this class than the last one. They really made us look at the stakeholders for our schools. 

I like making the videos, I need to give them more time in the future.

Overall, I enjoyed this class. It gave me the opportunity to see the inner-workings of what goes on in the school district. It also taught me how to find the information I need or want. Another thing it taught me is how transparent the school has to be. Everything they do is recorded and online for anyone to find if they know how to.


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