It Takes A Village


Image result for it takes a villageSo, this is the end of EDUC 604, the class that helps principals communicate and develop a schools vision. It gives tips and tricks of how the principal can develop a plan and bring the school's stakeholders together to enhance or build a schools vision and culture.

The Teacher
Dr. Stephanie Herrera, was very supportive while I was in this class. She walked me through some of the processes and gave me more time on some of the papers I needed help on. I was having difficulties with some of the assignments because I had recently changed jobs. She reassured me I could continue and get assignments completed.

The Applied Theory Paper
The Theory Paper was a fun one to compete. It helped me find ways I can communicate ideas with school stakeholders and get my point across. The thing I thought the most helpful was the surveys. The surveys gave me a deeper knowledge of my school's culture and what it was doing correctly. I also learned some ways I could improve my school and who I should get together to get the job accomplished.

CP#1: Collaborative Focus Groups
This assignment is where I found my first hurdle. I have recently switched jobs and... I can't get the people together I used to be able to get together. My hours are different than theirs and a lot of other hurdles. I tried to get them together, I tried to ask them if they could help me but...I could not get them together. As for getting parents and other stakeholders together, it was not going to happen. I had to try to do the best I could do without being able to do the complete assignment. I hope I can do future assignments for future classes.

CP#2: Stakeholder Partnerships 
and Communications Plan
Image result for people talkingThis assignment shows the candidates that they are the Local Education Agency for the school. It also has the principal identify stakeholders and have them take an inventory of the school. After doing all of this, the principal gets to try to develop relationships with people in the community. This assignment also gives the new principal ideas on ways to communicate. 
Communication tools can be tools like Facebook, Remind, Edmoto and many other sites. Not to forget about emails, phone calls and more importantly face to face discussions.

CP#3: School Improvement Goals
This was another assignment that is in my wheelhouse. I loved doing this assignment. PowToons as a pretty interesting way to get a point across. I did not think this assignment was going to take as long as it took but it was fun to do. This assignment had the candidate make a powerpoint, or some sort of presentation to give to the parents, teachers, students, and other stakeholders. It described some of the goals the school or focus teams had and delivered them in an interesting way. It told where the school is and where it needs to go. The only drawback of the program is how long it took. I do not think it would be very practical to do something like this very often.

I really like making the videos. I try to be creative. They are fun to make. I think I like doing these things the best. I try to put some creativity into my videos. For instance, one of the videos I did was about communication but it was awkward to watch. It had information about communication but it was in an anti-communication delivery. 

Overall, I think this class was very informational. It had a lot of quality lessons a leader can use in communicating his vision for the school. I also see how it can help a new principal promote their own or enhance the school's vision and culture. 


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