Two, Two, Two Assignments in One

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So, this is the end of EDUC 606, in this class, we got to meet with our school study team and promote a change in our schools using the Force Field Analysis Method. Is the force field analysis a method? Oh well, we got to promote POSITIVE CHANGE!!!

The Teacher

Once again, Dr. Stephanie showed me what a good teacher is like. She is more than understanding when a problem arises, fortunately, there were not as many problems as I had last class, wheew!

The Applied Theory Paper

This time the ATP was a little different. We really did not have one, well, kind of. This ATP was embedded inside of CP#2. So, you will have to go down there to find out more about what the ATP is about...


CP#1 was not really as big of an assignment as it usually is. Or it was, I just thought it was fun so it didn't seem that big. It was actually three parts.
  • Create an edu-mercial.
  • Read and react to some case studies
  • Interview a principal
Well, if you want to see my edu-mercial you will be able to see it here (on your right)!

The case studies were pretty interesting too. I liked the one about the teacher who continuously got in trouble. I know this is a problem schools deal with every day, I actually worked with one. I think there is more than behavior when you are dealing with a situation like this. I believe most people think about the person, their lively hood, their children, it is not just another student getting suspended.

The last part to this assignment was interviewing the principal of our school. Unfortunately, she was not available so I interviewed one of our assistant principals. This interview was eye-opening. It was interesting to talk to a principal of such a big school. Another oops on my part was not taking copious notes. I have learned to do this next time.


This was two, two, two assignments in one. Kindof.  This assignment included our Applied Theory assignment. The applied theory assignment was a meeting agenda and an email to the school growth team.
Image result for two two two in oneCP#2, in my opinion, was the bigger part. I had to bring the team together, which was harder than I thought. We ended up meeting on google hangouts. It was pretty interesting. I also learned about two things during this assignment. Number one is the term groupthink. Number two was is Force Field Analysis. Groupthink is when the group thinks it is them against them. This is not a very good thing to have when you are in a group dealing with problems. Fortunately, we did not have this, or I do not feel we did. Forcefield analysis is finding a problem and identifying driving and opposing forces. After you identify these forces you work together, as a team, to rate them. Dealing with the problem this way was interesting. It was better to have a meeting with a plan rather than just open talking about the problems.


CP#3 was all about the short term wins. This is actually an interesting concept. I don't think we look for small wins when we are working on projects. This assignment helped me look at the bigger picture. It also helped me learn to break up the bigger projects into smaller goals or wins.
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The Videos

I love doing the videos. I love trying to figure out what I can do and other ideas for the videos. Unfortunately, it is also difficult for me to make the videos. They are difficult because I am always trying to come up with ideas to make the videos interesting. I make them bigger than they should be and... SLAM! I have trouble getting them done. Not because they are hard but because I make them hard.


Overall, this class was awesome. It drew me out of my comfort zone to lead a meeting. The meeting was not just a free for all. The meeting had a purpose and a "road map" of sorts. This was also the first class I have been in where I didn't have many problems. I think I am getting the hang of this school stuff.


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