EDAD 608-School Law and Discipline.
The Teacher
Guadalupe Solis is the teacher for EDAD 608. He is an understanding teacher who has had a lot of experience working with school law. He worked with me on some of my papers because I was having trouble figuring out what they were about.

The Applied Theory Paper- School Culture and School-Wide Discipline.
Image result for where's waldoThis is the assignment that gave me the most problems. I am still having withdraws from the school I left. I am trying to figure out how to move on from the last school in this program. I started the program at one school and I am trying to slowly transfer my stuff to my new school. A problem I had with this paper was trying to find the information from my new school. I think it is weird that a school can be around for so long and not make this stuff easy to access. I am still having trouble finding things like WASC documents and LCAP stuff. UGH!

CP#1: Safe School Plan Review
Speaking of stuff that is not easy to find. Just kidding, this kind of was. I just had to ask my current principal. This document, for my campus, was a whopping nine pages. No, you did not read that wrong, it was(is) nine pages. I read over it and evaluated it according to the Ed Code. There are a lot of things missing including an evacuation plan for disabled students (I think this part is really important. I am currently working with my principal on what we should do to make the document

CP#2: School Law Case Study
This assignment puts two classmates together to evaluate six case studies. I think this assignment is awesome. This is the assignment that keeps the principal safe. Okay, maybe not safe but it does give them the information they would need to make decisions. One thing this assignment does not have is your upline, chain of command, leadership above you. I think, when you are having a big problem, it needs to go up the chain. I also believe, if you do not have a good chain of command, it is going to be very hard for you to be successful as a principal or leader. These people can tell you where to look for information, or what they had to do when they had the problem previously. During this course, there was a superintendent I talked to who said, "There is not too much I have not seen."

CP#3: School-Wide Positive Behavior and Supports
Image result for PBISThis was an assignment where I did have a lot of prior experience. When I was working with my last school we were PBIS award winners. In this assignment, we had to make a brochure, or webpage to give a school or teacher information about PBIS. Oh yeah, PBIS is Postive Behavior Intervention and Supports. My group was AWESOME. We meet with each other using google hangouts at least three times. This was really helpful for getting this project completed. I don't know how we would have got this done if we would not have had this program. Even though I did have prior experience with PBIS, I did learn a couple new things.
These videos were less interesting, to me than my other videos. I usually try to do something different. These videos really did not allow that. The only video I would I would change is the video to the public. I think I made a mistake when I made it. I probably should have done it right after work that way I had my regular work clothes on, this would be more professional. I would also try to do this video live. I think a live video is more personal than videos that are recorded. Personally, an all call would probably be done before the video is thought of.


Overall, I think this class is one of the most important for an administrator. This is the class that keeps the lawyers away. I think I got the most from working with Roger on the school law paper. This project was priceless. I hope other classes are as interesting as this one.
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