EDAD 612: A Special Way to Look at Things

EDAD 612: Working Diverse Populations 

The Teacher

Guadalupe Solis is the teacher for EDAD 612. This is the third time we have had the pleasure of working together (he is probably sick of me). Professor Solis is extremely knowledgeable of his subjects. He is also more than happy to go over the work with you to make sure you do the best you possibly can. In this class, we talked about equity access, which is making sure everybody gets what they need. Well, during this class I fell off a ladder and broke my foot. He worked with me to make sure I was successful in the class. One of the things I also appreciated is, he graded my papers with me on the phone then afforded me the opportunity to fix the papers so they were better of impeccable quality. It is going to be different not being able to work with him in EDAD 614 but I guess variety is the spice of life.

The Applied Theory Paper: Teacher Multi-Tiered System of Supports

CP#1: Master Scheduling for Diverse Populations

For this project, I worked together with Tia. We worked together to come up with Ten Tips to Master Scheduling. In this project, I got to learn how hard master scheduling can be for a school. I have always worked for small schools and the master schedule is not an easy thing to do. I could not imagine how hard it would be for a large school.

CP#2: Serving Students With Special Needs

This was probably the most informative assignment I have done in this course. I worked with two of my classmates to get this project done. For this project, we had to complete an informational flipbook, as well as answer some questions about a few IEP students. I worked on the Frequently Asked Questions for my group's project. I think I got more from the project because I had to answer all of the questions people ask.

CP#3: Educational Equity Vision and Growth Plan

Image result for here is the planThis was a bigger project than the title suggests but I did learn a lot. For this assignment, we had to make an equity access vision and growth plan. I noticed, compared to an Equity vision, my vision was skimpy. An Equity vison pretty much tells your teachers, staff, and even students what you expect from them. It not only tells them what you expect from them but it tells them what you expect them to be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis!

The Videos

Oh, the videos! I think these are my worst videos yet (probably because I had a broken foot). I  did what the videos asked and that was it. No video editing, no shenanigans, nothing really special. I did enjoy looking for an ed plan for a student who wanted advanced classes but was not really ready for them.


Overall, this class went by very quickly to me. I did have a broken foot and was not in the right mind for school for most of it but the class still went by very quickly. In this class, I got a first-hand look at what it was like to be a master scheduler. I learned there is a difference between a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. I learned how having an equity vision plan is better than just having a standard vision. An equity vision plan shows people exactly what you want rather than just giving a blanket statement for your goals. I also learned what it takes to give my special needs students the best education possible. I think this is going to be one of my MAJOR focuses as an administrator


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