EDAD 616: Get Ta' Learnin'

EDAD 616: Professional Growth Learning

Image result for dr. stephanie herreraThe Teacher: Dr. Stephanie Herrera

This is probably one of the most influential teachers I have had in this program. She is always on top of things and her organization is impeccable (unlike, yours truly). I believe by having her as a teacher, I have become a better writer academically and informally. Besides writing, she has helped me on the path to becoming a better leader through feedback on my assignments. 

Image result for i just want to be successful Applied Theory Paper: Professional Growth and Learning

This paper was so hard it took me six weeks to get it done. I don't know why this assignment really took me so long. I just couldn't find the time to sit down to do it. Sometimes life gets busy and finding time to write a 7-page paper is difficult. I did find this paper interesting. Adult learning principals are interesting. Adults do come to us with different knowledge sets and expect different things. Adults need to be a part of or feel like they are a part of the learning process.

CP#1: Coaching Conversations

Image result for person with question marks on headI did not really like this assignment. I did not feel like I was being or it could be genuine. It was not really about a problem I had and I had to put myself into somebody else's shoes to answer the questions. I never really feel like these type of assignments build my knowledge of the subject. I guess it is hard to design an assignment that can give a real-world experience. 

CP#2: Staff Recognition Badging

This was fun. it was kind of entertaining coming up with different badges. I liked using Credly to do it. It kind of shows you what goes into making a badge and who gets to get it and who gets to give it. I am definitely going to try do give these badges when I become an administrator.

CP#3: Flipped Professional Growth Session

Image result for chris crossThis project probably gave me the most anxiety. I did not really know what was wanted. It's not that the directions were not clear they just weren't really clear. Then, when I looked at what my classmates had done it through me for another loop! I was lost. So I followed my gut, and I think I did an okay job. I taught teachers how to create a google classroom and after the classroom was created I taught them how to create a test using google forms. I am really starting to like the Screencast-O-Matic app.

The Videos

Oh, the videos. These were not my worst but they were not my best. I always enjoy making videos. One of the videos I made was in my truck...driving down the road...probably was not too safe. Sometimes you have to do what it takes to get the job done. My time has never been so valuable when taking a class so I had to do what I had to do.


This class was one of the most fun. We got to use a lot of technology. We made badges, got to know one of our classmates, made amazing videos. The badges were probably the most fun thing to do. When we began this clas Dr. Herrera told me I would have fun and she was right.
Image result for One More Class


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