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EDAD 616: Get Ta' Learnin'

EDAD 616: Professional Growth Learning The Teacher: Dr. Stephanie Herrera This is probably one of the most influential teachers I have had in this program. She is always on top of things and her organization is impeccable (unlike, yours truly). I believe by having her as a teacher, I have become a better writer academically and informally. Besides writing, she has helped me on the path to becoming a better leader through feedback on my assignments.  Applied Theory Paper: Professional Growth and Learning This paper was so hard it took me six weeks to get it done. I don't know why this assignment really took me so long. I just couldn't find the time to sit down to do it. Sometimes life gets busy and finding time to write a 7-page paper is difficult. I did find this paper interesting. Adult learning principals are interesting. Adults do come to us with different knowledge sets and expect different things. Adults need to be a part of or feel like they are a part of t

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